You do realise that they are well aware of this, right?
So what can you do to prevent this becoming a serious problem for your health?
Let’s deal with the chlorine first…
Please try to avoid swimming in chlorinated water. I know some folks who don’t have access to a pool that isn’t chlorinated and they love their swimming, so my advice is to take our lugols iodine before AND after their swim.
At home, when bathing in tap water add a tablespoon of our non gmo vitamin C powder as you run your bath. This neutralises the chlorine! And we provide our customers with vitamin C shower filters so you’re good to go on both fronts!
Now, if you google what percentage of the water supply is fluoridated in the uk, it will tell you around ten percent.
It then goes on to say that most of this is added and a small percentage “occurs naturally”. This is very misleading as sodium fluoride is an inorganic compound and a by product of the industrial fertiliser industry.
Some government sponsored sites even claim that sodium fluoride is a natural substance. Apparently, they are not subject to the fact checkers like the rest of us!
To eliminate sodium fluoride from your water, I highly recommend that you buy either one of our water distillers or reverse osmosis systems which will eliminate all the nasties including sodium fluoride from your tap water. It is then recommended to remineralise the water with either Fulvic minerals or Celtic sea salt as drinking distilled water can suck the nutrients out of your system.
If you know for certain that your water is fluoridated, then look into borax. Adding a teaspoon of borax to your bath water will neutralise the sodium fluoride.
The fact that we are all still having to swerve these deadly substances is absolutely crazy, but we’re living through a very challenging time in terms of trying to maintain our health. Personally speaking, I’m not the sort of person to take it lying down and will pull out all the stops in order to maintain my clean bill of health. I hope you feel the same way!